Lombard increasingly health-conscious. It’s bio companies take off

More than 30 000 enterprises in Lombardy in the agricultural sector, including cultivation, processing and storage and trade, 5.2% in the Italian total. If one considers the entire industry the first podium positions are occupied by Pavia and Mantua with respectively 21.7% and 18.8% of companies regionali.E if Pavia is the queen of the crop, from the vineyards for transformation into wine, with 24.3% of business sector, for Milan is the first incidence of companies in the retail trade (24.5%), wholesale (46.9%) and walking (43%). According to processing of the Milan Chamber of Commerce of the data register of companies in the first quarter of 2012, last year the Lombardy has exceeded 410 million euros in exchange for fruit and vegetables, or 9.2% in the total Italian . For more than 286 million is imported, especially from the European Union (83.3% of imports Lombard). Milan is the first among the provinces with the regional interchange 27.6%, followed by Bergamo (15.5%) and Lodi (13.8% and prior to export with 29.6% in Lombardy). But what are the most traded products from Italy? Nuts, bananas, vegetables, fresh or chilled products than imported from Italy (respectively 595, 396 and 253 million euros in 2011. Apples, pears, grapes and fruit such as strawberries and raspberries the most exported (for respectively 861, 579 and 408 million euros). It follows from the processing of the Milan Chamber of Commerce in December 2011 Istat data. In one year it grew by 11, 7% of organic products sellers: well, especially companies with direct sales organic products (+24.7%) and e-commerce sites (+46.2%). Overall, the activities of the Lombard area is 450: the first companies with direct sales (202 activities, 8.3% of total Italian) second in the organic food stores (194, 16.7% of Italy). are increasingly health-conscious families in Lombardy in the pot one-fifth of the expenditure goes in fruits and vegetables and there’s a leap of imported varieties , with a +5% in a year. Well even the regional crops abroad, which represent a + 2% in exports. They also keep organic products, even if the crops pose considerable costs of management and control, well sites e-commerce specialist in biological (+46.2%, data Biobank 2011). more quality foods: Italy is the undisputed ruler European PDO and PGI with 110 products including recordings, publications, or applications (30 , 5% of its products being recognized or protected by the European Union). Follow us apart Spain (17.2%) and France (15.2%). Lombard specialties include: valance pear, apple and melon Valtellina Mantua. They say the data processing of the Milan Chamber of Commerce on Istat and European Union in December 2011 to June 2012 spending for food for families of Milan is 403 euros per month on average. The most important entries in meat ( 22.3%) with fruit and vegetables (18.8%). followed by milk, cheese and eggs (12.3%), bread and cereals (11.8%), beverages (10.8%), sugar and coffee (9.8%). Only then comes the fish (6.8%). who lives with another person saves about 18% compared to singles. Who lives with two people, 37%, 45% with three.


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